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Community Forum: Southbank - Where to from here?

Hosted by the SRA in conjunction with the City of Melbourne, the forum addressed the open space strategy for Southbank.
Date & Time: 6:30pm, Tues, 23rd March, 2022
Venue: The Panorama Room, Metropolis Function Centre, Upper Level, Southgate
Panel members:
  • Lord mayor, Sally Capp
  • Deputy Lord mayor, Nicholas Reece
  • Councillor Rohan Leppert
  • Deputy CEO Alison Leighton
  • Roger Teale, City of Melbourne, Capital Works
  • Jonathan Kamouris, City of Melbourne, Major Capital Works and Infrastructure
Setting the context: Two planning experts,
  • Prof Michael Buxton, Emeritus Professor of Environment and Planning, RMIT and
  • Leanne Hodyl, Managing director of Hodyl + Co

The forum ran two hours.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

The recently completed 'Tall Storeys: SRA's 20 year history' was also launched.

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